Sam’s Story: Week 121

I’ve mentioned before my apprehension vis a vis the whole “terrible twos” things, though on balance I’d say that Sam has been a lot more mellow than we could have hoped for. In the last week or so, though, she has shown an escalating penchant for throwing hissy fits when she doesn’t get things her way. For example, the other day she took her shoe off and then demanded that ONLY Mommy could be the one to reattach it to her foot, despite the fact that we were in the middle of a 45-minute car trip to Nowhere, Missouri, Geralyn was driving, and there were like four other willing and able adults in the car with her. When Ger didn’t immediately release the wheel and lurch into the back seat to solve the footwear crisis, Sam started screaming her head off and could only be reasoned with by the power of the lollypop.

So to help alert care givers and innocent bystanders know when Sam is likely to launch into a fit, I’ve taken a page from the Department of Homeland Security’s play book and created the handy Samantha Alert System, which uses sophisticated facial topographical recognition technology (click for larger version):

Samantha Alert System

Feel free to print that out and post it on your wall.

Here are some other pictures for your clicking pleasure:

I especially like Sam’s impersonation of the Swamp Thing, as well as her new appreciation for the daily newspaper.

Sam’s verbal skills continue to outstrip my wildest imagination, thanks in no small part to her habit of parroting practically everything she hears. We try to watch what we say. We really do. But even still, the following is still just a small sample of what we’ve actually heard Samantha repeat back:

  • “I’m not gay.”
  • “Ow, my crotch!”
  • “Quit it, Jamie!”
  • “Shut your word hole.”
  • “No, The Internet is only 80 percent smut.”

Nobody told me that verbal development was such a Catch 22.

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