Sam’s Story: Week 58

I talked last week about how some “people” would ignore Sam when she waved to them. It occured to me this week that problems lie on the other end of this specturm as well. While some people blithely ignore babies, others seem drawn to them and will do things that would be completely inappropriate for any other age bracket. Most of the time it’s benign, like the guy at the booth next to ours at dinner last Saturday night who got a kick out of using his napkin to play “peek-a-boo” with Sam. This seemed to entertain both of them, so we were happy to let this game go on. Geralyn tells me about other times, though, when she’ll be out in public and people will come right up to Sam and start touching her or giving her foodstuffs –all the while utterly ignoring Geralyn. It’s like babies are some kind of communal property that people can just pick up and play with as they like.

Not much on the developmental front to report on. Sam still isn’t walking per se, but I think we can safely say that she has taken her first steps. If I’m sitting on the floor a few feet away, Sam will pull herself up on the couch, turn, and then take two or three stumbling steps over to me before going into a kind of controlled nose-dive into my side or lap. Several times I’ve caught her standing up on her own, but when I start to clap and yell, it’s like she suddenly realizes just what the heck she’s doing and that it’s totally insane and totally unnecessary when other people are apparently willing to carry her everywhere she needs to go.

Napping continues to be a hit-and-miss affair. Some days Sam takes two naps, some days one. Last night we installed these new heavy duty corderouy drapes with dense light blocking technology in hopes that we’d turn her bedroom into a black, lightless hole no happy sunbeams would prematurely wake her from her slumber. The result? She woke up like 45 minutes earlier than usual this morning. When I got up at 6:00 and went in to close her door as I usually do she was standing straight up in her crib, looking right at me through the gloom. It was kind of creepy in an Alfred Hitchcock kind of way.


Ger took some good ones this week. The way Sam is sleeping in this one kind of cracks me up, but I guess she was comfortable. I also like how this one turned out.

Lastly, sorry this update is a bit late. I have my reasons, though.

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