Week 287: Fits, Droids, and Beds

Mandy has penetrated deep into that developmental territory where throwing fits to test the boundaries of the world around her is an hourly occurrence. Though her emotions occasionally fly out from underneath her and she really loses it, she can generally flip these fits on and off the way you or I may smile or frown during any other typical negotiation session. Yesterday we had this exchange:

“I want a treat for going to the potty!”

“Mandy, no, if I gave you a treat every time you did that now you’d stuff yourself silly.”

“NO! I want a treat!”

“I’ll give you one M&M.”

“I want a brownie!” Crying now.

“No. One M&M.”


“Mandy! Calm down. I’ll give you a small piece of brownie.”

“NO! I want a big piece. A humongous piece!” This actually came out closer to “humgus piece” bit it was a nice effort. And she was shrieking and stomping by this point.

“A regular brownie. That’s IT. A regular brownie or NOTHING.”

“Okay.” And bam, tears off. A few seconds later she’s happily strolling off shouting “Thanks, Dad!” through a mouthful of brownie while I try to figure out what the hell just happened. Eventually I decide that I’m lucky I didn’t get hustled into warming it up in the microwave and putting a big scoop of ice cream on top of it.

This isn’t all to say that Sam can’t be without her own freakouts. If you want to trigger a COMPLETE psychotic freakout on her part, try to just touch the R2-D2 action figure she bought herself last week. Any attempt to take this away from her will send her into a spastic fit, such is her love for this little astromech droid. In fact the other day when I showed her how to write “R-2-D-2” she gleefully grabbed the pen from me and began writing the droid’s name over and over again. Oh well, I guess it could be worse. She could be writing “H-A-N-N-A-H M-O-N-T-A-N-A” over and over again.

Finally, it’s worth noting that we converted Mandy’s crib into a “big girl bed.” And by “converted” I mean “took the gate off.” Mandy was ecstatic about this, and didn’t want to leave her bed. Except at bed time. When she wouldn’t stay in it. All was forgiven, though, when she came running into our bedroom the next morning shouting “I took a good nap! I want a brownie!”

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5 thoughts on “Week 287: Fits, Droids, and Beds

  1. I’m coming over to play with that droid. Afterwards, I’ll take a steak, medium rare, and a Molson Canadian.

  2. No! You’ll all get an entire chocolate pie. With ice cream. And you’ll eat it while watching Curious George.

  3. Once upon a time when we were all children…’NO!’ actually meant ‘No.’ No debate, no rewards, period.

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