Pregnancy Update: Week 32

We can now think of the remaining time in this pregnancy in terms of weeks, rather than months. Before long it’ll be in days.
Geralyn and I went shopping this week with the gift money/certificates to Babies R Us and got a bunch of stuff off our registry. It’s always fun spending other people’s money. We filled the car almost to capacity and got a few of the big ticket items, like the travel system (a carseat/stroller combo kind of thing), and the portable playpen. We also got some smaller stuff, like blankets, clothes, a changing mattress, crib mattress cover, and a “Snugli” carrier (one of those things you strap to your chest and carry the kid in). There’s just a few things left, and we’re hoping to get them for Christmas.
Here’s the picture of Geralyn for the week:

She’s doing fine, apart from having a bit of trouble staying comfortable through the night. It’s apparently hard to do that when you can only sleep on your side and always have someone lying on your bladder and other assorted organs.
In other news, we made it out to Sempra Energy Corporate HR holiday party on Saturday and had a good time. It was at the V.P. of HR’s house near Del Mar, and the whole situation can be aptly described as “swank”. They had open bars and buffet stations all around, as well as a live band and celebrity impersonators (it had kind of a classic Hollywood theme). Everyone remarked at how good Ger looked and nobody was fired.
Outside of that, we’ve been spending the weekend putting up Christmas decorations for our last holiday as just the two of us. We’ve got the tree, outside lights, and boxes of knickknacks. It’s so festive.

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