
10 years
9 e-mail addresses
8 cell phone numbers
7 computers
6 jobs
5 cars
4 cities
3 houses
2 kids
1 marriage

In other words, Geralyn and I are wishing each other a happy 10th wedding anniversary today. Yay!

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5 thoughts on “Ten

  1. Yay!! Congratulations!
    My husband and I are coming up on our one-year wedding anniversary . . . It’s hard to imagine 10 from now. I can’t wait to see what life will be like =)
    I hope you guys get to take the time to spoil yourselves, even sans children. You deserve it.

  2. Thanks, all! We’re not doing too much. No trips, no weekend away, we’re not even exchanging gifts. Just a nice dinner tonight.

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