“I wursh mahself with a rag on a stick”

Let’s be honest: despite Geralyn’s best efforts, my diet isn’t perfect. I have not, however, eaten at McDonald’s or its ilk in quite some time. Years, even. That stuff is poison, and I don’t see how anyone can not hold themselves responsible for eating too much of it.

To remind you just how big a “Super Size” has gotten, here’s a comparison between a large fries and an adult llama:

llama vs fries

That’s why I’m intrigued by this review of a new documentary called “Super Size Me”. The film maker starts off as a trim, healthy adult who gorges on 3 meals a day at McDonald’s for 30 days straight. He interviews people, including children, about their eating habits. He also meets with the U.S. Surgeon General to discuss the obesity epidemic and he asks lobbyists for the fast food industry to explain themselves.

I think this quote more than gives you the idea:

Spurlock [the film maker] starts out the picture of health, a strapping 6-foot-2 and 185 pounds. Three doctors and a nutritionist, who reappear throughout, examine him and attest to his well-being. But within a few days, he’s vomiting out of the window of his car. And it’s downhill from there. Spurlock’s body goes through a general deterioration that surprises even his doctors in its rapidity. (His girlfriend, a vegan chef, is beside herself.) Gaining weight is just the outward sign; his liver becomes toxic, his cholesterol skyrockets, his libido sags, he gets headaches, and he becomes depressed.

This film just came out at Sundance recently, but I’m going to keep my eyes open for it. I’m not sure that it’s something that will present itself on the shelf at my local Blockbuster Video, but you never know. In the meantime, if you eat at fast food places more than occasionally, you might want to check it out, as well as read the book Fast Food Nation.

p.s., thanks to loonyblog for the link. If you don’t get the “I wash myself with a rag on a stick” reference, click here.

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2 thoughts on ““I wursh mahself with a rag on a stick”

  1. This from a kid who would eat literally nothing but McDonald’s french fries from age 2-3 and who lived on fast food for the first 22 years of your life! Quite a turnaround.

  2. Yeh, I knew you’d chime in with that observation. 🙂
    My eating habits were horrible then (as were yours, if I recall). They’re still imperfect now, but progress has been made. You start thinking about these things when you’re pushing 33. 😉

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