6 thoughts on “Happy Halloween

  1. She’s swimming in chocolate. She looks as if she could drown in chocolate. I’m sure she had tons of fun this halloween.
    So your playing nintendogs?? I want that for christmas. Do you like it? It looks soooo cute! not as cute as sammy tho 🙂

  2. Nintendogs is fun, though I’m not sure how long it will last. It seems to be the kind of game that you pick up for just 5-10 minutes at a time, which is what I was looking for. At any rate, it’s the perfect showcase game for the DS’s touch pad.
    Sam actually only went to a few houses this year. The candy you see there is actually the stuff we gave away to our visitors. We gave Sam one Kit-Kat bar that she was convinced was a cookie, but she seemed more interested in smearing it into the carpet than eating it.

  3. I can’t believe how long her hair is getting! It’s funny to go back and see how stlye and length change – I was looking at old pictures last night of Emma and thinking that was among the most striking differences.
    My copy of Nintendogs has been completely co-opted by Emma. The touch screen is so intuitive that she can pretty much play it on her own. My poor black lab, Anchovie, has been getting a bath now for about 4 weeks straight. When she’s finally through Emma may have scrubbed all of the hair off of her.

  4. Oh man! Now you guys have made me really want nintendogs. It seems like the perfect thing to carry in my bag and play at work….uh on break of course, yea thats it.

  5. Have Sammy save some of that candy for me when we come for Thanksgiving. I am really a candy nut and hope Sammy doesn’t take after her grandmother. The Class B characters were really the in ones on Sesame St. when Geralyn and you were kids and the Class A ones weren’t really heard of back then. Cute pictures.

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