Sewing Oats, pages 11-16

Page 11 of my novel Sewing Oats went up last Wednesday, according to schedule. And page page 12 is up today. And since I’m going to be on vacation all of next week and the following Monday, I’ve worked ahead and also posted pages 13- 16. Here are all the recent pages, in easy-to-click list form:

If you miss coming back for updates three times a week, then just practice a little self control for cryin’ out loud.

The pace of the story really picks up in these few pages, which include the introduction of a particularly menacing figure that seems to be MORE THAN HUMAN. Ooohhh! Thomas also curses –a lot— but that’s pretty standard by this time. Also, Angela mistakes a squirrel for God. It’s also worth noting that the whole “What do you think is behing that mountain?” conversation on page 15 is the first complete, coherent scene that came together in my mind when I started thinking about this novel. In some ways, it’s what the entire thing is built around.

I may or may not make updates to this site next week (time and Internet connection permitting), but the next installment of Sewing Oats definitely won’t be until June 9th. So make these pages last!

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