Sam’s Story: Week 6

Not a whole lot to report on this week. Ger, Sam, and I just got back from having lunch with The Tabors up in Carlsbad, and Sam did so well that we even fit in a little shopping at the outlet mall. This was the biggest outing by far, and it only required Geralyn to nurse our baby in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant once.

Pictures of Sam this last week? Of course! Make with the clicking:

The Baby Product of the Week this time around is the Happiest Baby on the Block DVD. We had heard about this amazing super wonderful resource for parents of fussy babies, but at $35, the DVD hardly seemed worth it. So I found a copy at the San Diego Public Library and checked it out for free. In a nutshell, it teaches five methods for calming down a fussy baby:

  1. Swaddling
  2. Putting baby on her side or back
  3. Swinging baby in a swing or gently jiggling
  4. “Shushing” baby or playing white noise (static, a hairdryer, etc.)
  5. Giving baby a pacifier to suck on

We’ve been trying these on Sam, and they seem to work, especially when done in combination. I can’t recommend paying full price for the DVD, but if you can get it from the library, borrow it from a friend, or find it for cheaper on eBay new parents may be well served.

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3 thoughts on “Sam’s Story: Week 6

  1. I think Sam looks a lot like you in the photo after the enormous number of diapers! I do not think she like the dinosaur however as she allways looks like she is telling off when you take the photo next to it. 🙂

  2. I do not think she like the dinosaur however as she allways looks like she is telling off when you take the photo next to it. 🙂

    Heh. The problem is that we usually take the dinosaur photo when Sam is awake, not swaddled, and in the nursery. So she’s usually squirming (she doesn’t like to lie flat on her back unless she’s sleeping) and the yellow paint on the nursery walls reflects the light and makes her look jaundice again. I took half a dozen pictures and that was the best one. We may have to move to another location for future dinosaur pics.

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