The keeping of the house

I got a few minutes to myself this morning and decided to spend it doing a little housekeeping. I updated the Links page to include PlanetTabor, the new personal website for Darren Tabor, my friend, former manager, and new member of the GameSpy Alumni Society. Go say “hi”.

I also added a blogroll section to the links page. For those of you not hip to the lingo, it’s basically a list of other blogs and websites that I read through the online service Bloglines. More on that in a second. I also added a link so that you can add to your own blogroll. The list looks like this:

I briefly considered adding this list somewhere like the front page where it would get more visibility, but quickly decided that would be annoying. I pride myself on keeping the front page of this site relatively clean, with the focus on two things: the blog entries and the media I’m currently consuming. Anything else is just clutter and probably not interesting to anyone else.

The Bloglines service is pretty neat, though. When I first started this blog, I wasn’t into blogging per se. I didn’t read any others and I was barely cognizant that there was a blogging scene, much less how big and sophisticated it was. That’s changed lately as I’ve become addicted to blog hopping and peeking into other people’s lives –some of them complete strangers– through their blogs. I’ve found about a dozen blogs that both look good and have interesting, regularly updated content. Normally that would be a lot of bookmarking, but Bloglines can tell me at a glance which sites have been updates since I last checked, and even give me a preview so I can decide if I want to bother reading the whole thing. It works well for what it does, plus the best thing is that the site is clean, simple, and free of any advertisements. Wonder how long that will last?

If you read a lot of blogs, give it a try. If you already use it, feel free to add this site to your own blogroll.

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