Week 263: High, Low, and Robe

We’ve developed a new family tradition that I think is kind of fun. One night at the dinner table Geralyn suggested we play a game called “High/Low” where we would go around the table and say what the high point of our day was, and what the low point was. Sam seized on this as a chance to be the center of attention, and now we can barely get ourselves seated at the table before she demands that we begin reciting our joys and sorrows for the day. She also gets to determine in which order we go, which ranges from a circle to an utterly random series of jagged lines.

This has led to some interesting stories, which is kind of the point. One day Sam described the low point of her day as when her frienemy from school was hitting her. I asked if she wanted me to track this kid down and beat the tar out of him, an offer to which she demurred. Besides, she said, her high point of the day was when her other friend, Michael, stepped in and shouted “STOP HITTING MY FRIEND!” and basically pounded on the offending kid. I like Michael. I told Sam she should keep him around. She said okay.

Mandy is often called upon to participate in High/Low, but even when we coach her along by saying “What made you cry today?” her answer is always “I wanted to ride the escalator but you wouldn’t let me.” This hearkens back to a day several weeks ago to a trip to the mall where Geralyn did just that. This is Mandy’s answer to the “What was your low?” question, EVERY DAY and seems to illustrate how this child seems to really hold a grudge. I can only hope that many years from now when Her Holiness Sister Amanda Franchesca accepts her nomination as Space Pope that she will finally forgive Geralyn for this terrible wrong.

You may have noticed several pictures of the girls appearing extra snuggly this week. This is due to an extreme robe obsession that has set in for some reason. It started when my sister Shawn gave Sam one for Christmas, and then Mandy demanded that we get hers out of the closet, and now it’s an evening ritual. One that adds 19% to the time it takes to get them ready, but which makes them 23% happier so it’s okay.

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3 thoughts on “Week 263: High, Low, and Robe

  1. You won’t mind if I take a little nibble out of Mandy will you? I promise it’ll be in a spot that’s barely noticeable and I’ll dangle something shiny in front of her first so she won’t notice.

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